Do I Have A Sex Addiction?

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Are you wondering if you have a sex addiction?  In a 2012 study headed by Dr. Patrick Carnes* it was estimated that sexual addiction is estimated to afflict up to 3% to 6% of the population.

PATHOS is a brief sexual addiction screening questionnaire. The aforementioned clinical study from Carnes, et. al., found PATHOS as clinically significant for effectively classifying patient’s appropriateness for entering treatment as potential sex addicts.

You are welcome to take the PATHOS quiz now for free. After you have completed it, please contact us to discuss the results.  (855) 442-1912.


The sex addiction quiz is quick and is composed of only 6 yes-or-no questions.  After answering each question, click the "Next" button.  At the end of the quiz, there is a question to make sure you are human and not a bot.  Answer the question, then hit "Show Results."


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Do You Have A Sex Addiction Quiz:


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1. Preoccupied – Do you often find yourself preoccupied with sexual thoughts?


2. Ashamed – Do you hide some of your sexual behavior from others?


3. Treatment – Have you ever sought therapy for sexual behavior you did not like?


4. Hurt others – Has anyone been hurt emotionally because of your sexual behavior?


5. Out of control – Do you feel controlled by your sexual desire?


6. Sad – When you have sex, do you feel depressed afterwards?


Question 1 of 6


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* Carnes PJ, Green BA, Merlo LJ, Polles A, Carnes S, Gold MS, March 6, 2012 (1):29-34. PATHOS: a
brief screening application for assessing sexual addiction. doi: 10.1097/ADM.0b013e3182251a28.
PATHOS is reprinted here with permission from the International Institute of Trauma and Addiction
Professionals (iitap).

Activities At Paradise Creek Sexual Addiction Retreat

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The activities at the Paradise Creek sexual addiction retreat will help you recover from sex addiction and Pornography addiction. You'll participate in a ropes course, express yourself artistically, enjoy evening campfires while you discuss principles of recovery, and may even participate in music.

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Evening campfire groups will be held regularly during your time at Paradise Creek.  Groups in this setting allow you to talk about principles of recovery in a less formal environment and, at the same time, enjoy some food that can easily be warmed or cooked over a campfire.  This provides the ultimate opportunity for you to work towards complete authenticity and vulnerability in your recovery process.

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[av_heading tag='h3' padding='10' heading='Ropes Course' color='' style='' custom_font='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class=''][/av_heading]

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As part of your Paradise Creek Recovery experience, you will have the opportunity to attend a ropes course facilitated by the CSI Outdoor Program Challenge Course at the College of Southern Idaho.  This experience is designed to strengthen team building skills, increase trust in others, and facilitate healthy risking.  Upon successful completion of the ropes course, parallels are drawn in therapy groups regarding how to connect the skills acquired on the ropes course to a healthy recovery process.

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Regular music groups are held at Paradise Creek. They occur every Tuesday mornings and focus on expressing one's self through music and healthy risking.  Activities may include singing recovery songs, karaoke, song writing, etc…

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Artistic expression groups include drawing, writing, poetry and other forms of therapeutic work that allow patients to express feelings and thoughts about recovery in non-traditional ways. These groups provide for very meaningful experiences that help to strengthen the overall therapeutic process.  These groups also occur during the evening.

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Addiction Treatment Terminology

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Addiction Treatment Terminology

This is a quick guide for terminology specific to addiction recovery.

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[av_iconlist_item title='Cognitive Neural Restructuring Therapy' link='' linktarget='' linkelement='' icon='ue81e' font='entypo-fontello']
Cognitive restructuring is a psychotherapeutic process of learning to identify and dispute irrational or maladaptive thoughts. Examples include 'all-or-nothing' thinking (splitting), magical thinking and emotional reasoning, which are commonly associated with many mental health disorders. Cognitive Restructuring (CR) employs many strategies, such as Socratic questioning, thought recording and guided imagery. Additionally CR is used in many types of therapies, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Rational Emotive Therapy (RET). A number of studies demonstrate considerable efficacy in using CR-based therapies.
[av_iconlist_item title='Neural Plasticity' link='' linktarget='' linkelement='' icon='ue81e' font='entypo-fontello']
Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity, is an umbrella term that encompasses both synaptic plasticity and non-synaptic plasticity—it refers to changes in neural pathways and synapses. This influences changes in behavior, environment and neural processes, as well as changes resulting from bodily injury. Neuroplasticity has replaced the formerly-held position that the brain is a physiologically static organ, and explores how - and in which ways - the brain changes throughout life.
[av_iconlist_item title='Dr. Pat Carnes' link='' linktarget='' linkelement='' icon='ue81e' font='entypo-fontello']
Patrick Carnes, PhD, is a leading proponent of the viewpoint that some sexual behavior can be seen as an addiction. It was he who put sex addiction on the map. He currently is a Senior Fellow at The Meadows addiction treatment center located in Arizona.
[av_iconlist_item title='Sobriety' link='' linktarget='' linkelement='' icon='ue81e' font='entypo-fontello']
Sobriety is the condition of not having any measurable levels, or effects from mood-altering drugs. According to WHO "Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms...", sobriety is continued abstinence from psychoactive drug use. Sobriety is also considered to be the natural state of a human being at birth. In a treatment setting, sobriety is the achieved goal of independence from consuming or craving mind-altering substances. As such, sustained abstinence is a prerequisite for sobriety. Early in abstinence, residual effects of mind-altering substances can preclude sobriety. These effects are labeled "PAWS", or "post-acute withdrawal syndrome". Someone who abstains, but has a latent desire to resume use, is not considered truly sober. An abstainer may be subconsciously motivated to resume drug use, but for a variety of reasons, abstains (e.g. such as a medical or legal concern precluding use). Sobriety has more specific meanings within specific contexts, such as the culture of Alcoholics Anonymous, other 12 step programs, law enforcement, and some schools of psychology. In some cases, sobriety implies achieving "life balance."
[av_iconlist_item title='Multiphasic Evaluation' link='' linktarget='' linkelement='' icon='ue81e' font='entypo-fontello']
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is one of the most frequently used personality tests in mental health. The most recent version, the "MMPI-2RF" was developed by Dr. Auke Tellegen, from the University of Minnesota, and Dr. Yossef Ben-Porath, from Kent State University. The test is used by trained professionals to assist in identifying personality structure and psychopathology.
[av_iconlist_item title='30 Task Model' link='' linktarget='' linkelement='' icon='ue81e' font='entypo-fontello']
The task model is based upon the groundbreaking work and research of Dr. Patrick Carnes. The task model identifies specific therapeutic goals that, if accomplished, will help a patient to establish and maintain sobriety.  This  model is incorporated with Cognitive Neural Restructuring Therapy (CNRT) as a means of helping our patients achieve success and recovery.
[av_iconlist_item title='Neuro-feedback and Biofeedback' link='' linktarget='' linkelement='' icon='ue81e' font='entypo-fontello']
Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback that measures brain waves or brain blood-flow to produce a signal that can be used as feedback on brain activity to teach self-regulation. Feedback is commonly provided using video or sound, with positive feedback for desired brain activity and negative feedback for brain activity that is undesirable.
[av_iconlist_item title='12 Step' link='' linktarget='' linkelement='' icon='ue81e' font='entypo-fontello']
A twelve-step program is a set of guiding principles (accepted by members as 'spiritual principles,' based on the approved literature).  Twelve-step programs are peer-led, that is, former addicts comprise the leadership of the group.  These groups intend to foster support and strength from each of the group members creating an environment in which sobriety is obtained.
[av_iconlist_item title='Substance Abuse Disorders' link='' linktarget='' linkelement='' icon='ue81e' font='entypo-fontello']

The American Psychiatric Association has published its criterion for Substance Abuse Disorders in the DSMV.  These can be used as similar criteria for Sexual Addiction/Compulsivity as follows:

  1. Indulging in sexual behaviors in larger amounts or for longer than you intended.
  2. Wanting to cut down or stop doing sexual behaviors but not managing to.
  3. Spending a lot of time getting, using, or recovering from use of the sexual behaviors.
  4. Cravings and urges to act out sexually.
  5. Not managing to do what you should at work, home or school, because of the sexual behaviors.
  6. Continuing to use, even when it causes problems in relationships.
  7. Giving up important social, occupational or recreational activities because of the sexual behaviors.
  8. Using the sexual behaviors again and again, even when it puts the you in danger.
  9. Continuing to use, even when you know you have a physical or psychological problem that could have been caused or made worse by the sexual behaviors.
  10. Needing more of the sexual behaviors, for a longer time, or taking more risks than you want, to get the effect you want (tolerance).
  11. Development of withdrawal symptoms, which can be relieved by doing more of the sexual behaviors.


Contact Us - Sexual Addiction Residential Treatment Center

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Paradise Creek Recovery Center

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Paradise Creek Recovery Center
Malta, Idaho

Corporate Office:
40 W Cache Valley Blvd, Suite 10A
Logan, Utah 84341
(855) 442-1912


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Paradise Creek Recovery Center


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[av_heading heading='"Where you will find SEX HELP for SEX PROBLEMS and SEX ADDICTION TREATMENT."' tag='h2' link_apply='' link='manually,http://' link_target='' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' margin_sync='true' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-jvsizwsx' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_heading]

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"Paradise Creek Recovery Center is where you will find respectful and dignified SEX HELP for SEXUAL PROBLEMS, SEXUAL ADDICTION and PROBLEMATIC SEXUAL BEHAVIORS."

Paradise Creek is a residential treatment center that focuses on problematic sexual behaviors, sexual addictions and sexual offending behaviors. During your time with us, we will help you begin to recover your life, overcome this illness, and heal in a dignified respectful environment. There is hope.

Call now: (855) 442-1912.


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Do I have a sex addiction?


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Are you or a loved one being hurt as a result of sexual addiction?


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[av_icon_box position='left_content' boxed='' icon='ue81f' font='entypo-fontello' title='Sexual Addiction Explained' link='post,38' linktarget='' linkelement='both' font_color='' custom_title='' custom_content='' color='' custom_bg='' custom_font='' custom_border='' av_uid='av-djpoe']
The criterion to screen addictive/compulsive behavior is “loss of freedom to choose whether or not to engage in a behavior (compulsively), continuation of the behavior despite adverse consequences… Read more

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[av_icon_box position='left_content' boxed='' icon='ue80b' font='entypo-fontello' title='Love and Relationship Addiction' link='post,36' linktarget='' linkelement='both' font_color='' custom_title='' custom_content='' color='' custom_bg='' custom_font='' custom_border='' av_uid='av-c234e']
When a person struggles with love and relationship addiction they become addicted to the initial infatuation and excitement that comes from meeting someone new. The love and relationship addict crave the rush that comes from… Read more

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[av_icon_box position='left_content' boxed='' icon='ue822' font='entypo-fontello' title='The Biochemistry of Addiction' link='post,42' linktarget='' linkelement='both' font_color='' custom_title='' custom_content='' color='' custom_bg='' custom_font='' custom_border='' av_uid='av-atway']
There are many different parts of the brain with literally billions of different cells.  As the different parts of the brain work together in harmony, optimal levels of functioning is achieved. Emotional and psychological trauma can… Read more

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[av_icon_box position='left_content' boxed='' icon='ue813' font='entypo-fontello' title='Acting Out and Mood Altering' link='post,44' linktarget='' linkelement='both' font_color='' custom_title='' custom_content='' color='' custom_bg='' custom_font='' custom_border='' av_uid='av-9xuwq']
We have learned (through working with hundreds of individuals through the years), that there is more to acting out than meets the eye.  Often times, acting out is simply labeled… Read more

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City of Rocks Home Station Historical Photo

City of Rocks Home Station

"The City of Rocks stage station was a Home Station located at the head of Emigrant Canyon. Stage stations were located 10 to 15 miles apart at sites with water and grass for the horses. 'Home Stations' were situated 50 to 60 miles apart and provided lodging for drivers and a meal for passengers."

Let Paradise Creek be your "home station"—a place for you to recover on your journey to a healthier life.


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Sexual Addiction Explained

The criterion to screen addictive/compulsive behavior is “loss of freedom to choose whether or not to engage in a behavior (compulsively), continuation of the behavior despite adverse consequences related to the behavior (consequences, and obsession with the behavior” (Cooper, 2002, p. 148). There are various behaviors that can be considered sexually compulsive or addictive. These include masturbation, repeated affairs, pornography, cyber sex, phone sex, multiple anonymous partners, unsafe sexual activity, objectification, strip clubs, prostitution, voyeurism, exhibitionism, and other paraphilias.

How many people deal with Sexual Addiction?

Patrick Carnes, a leading researcher in the sexual addiction field, in 1991 did a study in which he stated that 3-6% of the general population has a problem with sex addiction (Ragan, et al, 2000, p. 164). This is a significant amount of people.

Consequences of Sexual Addiction

Sharon Nathan said “What appears undeniable is that there are people who are troubled by a sense that they cannot curb, control, or modify their sexual behavior, even when they are aware of the negative, social, medical, and or financial consequences that attend their inability to do so” (Ragan, et al, 2000, p. 162). Consequences include legal problems, isolation and loneliness, neglect of family and friends, financial problems occupational impairments, STI’s, shame, and anxiety. In a study by Donald Black, M.D. et al, 36 subjects who reported sexually compulsive behavior were asked the question “Why they felt their sexual thoughts, behaviors, or urges were a problem? 61% listed guilt, 47% listed feedback from others, 14% listed health problems, 11% listed financial consequences, and 8% listed the amount of time consumed” (Black et al, 1997, p. 247).

Sexual Addiction is a process addiction

A process addiction is when a person is addicted to a process rather than a substance ingested in their body.

Sexual Addiction as Emotional Coping

Sexual addiction is a way of coping with depression, anxiety, or any other uncomfortable emotion. “The addiction is an altered state of consciousness in which “normal” sexual behavior pales by comparison in terms of excitement and relief from troubles” (Carnes, 2001). There are not many things that can compete with the immediate gratification and pleasure the one feels while sexually acting out. It then becomes a cycle, in which the addict feels emotionally uncomfortable and relieves the discomfort with temporary relief and pleasure. Patrick Carnes said “within the addictive system, sexual experience becomes the reason for being, the primary relationship for the addict” (2001). Sexual addiction is lonely. It is a place of toxic shame and worthlessness.

Sexual Addiction and Treatment

Sexual addiction becomes a person’s automatic response to any kind of uncomfortable emotions or stress. The goal of treatment is to bring an automatic or unconscious response to awareness and find a new corrective process to deal with stress. This takes time but there is hope. The person must make the decision everyday to engage in recovery and find new ways of soothing. The condition for healing is created by following the principals of consistency, duration, and frequency. Every time an individual chooses to engage in something healthy rather than their addiction, they are changing. As they make these choices consistently, frequently, and for a period of time, they heal. Treatment includes concepts of toxic shame, empathy, relationships, forgiveness, healthy sexuality, relapse prevention, stress management, and emotional regulation. Treatment is a comprehensive look at the person’s life to help make lasting change.

Location—Residential Sex Addiction Treatment

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Residential Sex Addiction Treatment, Serving the United States of America and Canada


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Paradise Creek Sexual Addiction Recovery Center Front

Welcome to Paradise Creek

Located south of Malta, Idaho, Paradise Creek Recovery Center is surrounded by Sawtooth National Forest, Castle Rocks State Park, and the City of Rocks National Reserve.

This residential sex addiction treatment center will be your place to leave behind the world and begin to discover HOPE and HEAL.

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Paradise Creek Recovery Center


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Situated in Southern Idaho, north of the Utah border, Paradise Creek Recovery Center is approximately:


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Weather and Clothing

The area can get hot in summer (high 90's) and cold in winter, so please bring the appropriate, comfortable clothing. Summer clothing should still be modest.

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Discover HOPE and HEAL

City of Rocks Home Station Historical Photo

City of Rocks Home Station

"The City of Rocks stage station was a Home Station located at the head of Emigrant Canyon. Stage stations were located 10 to 15 miles apart at sites with water and grass for the horses. 'Home Stations' were situated 50 to 60 miles apart and provided lodging for drivers and a meal for passengers."

Let Paradise Creek be your "home station"—a place for you to recover on your journey to a healthier life.


Main Program — Pornography & Sex Addiction Treatment

[av_heading heading='Main Program — Choose a Sex Addiction and Pornography Addiction Treatment Program' tag='h1' link_apply='' link='' link_target='' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size=''][/av_heading]

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28 Day Program
28 Days
Individual Therapy
Group Therapy
Evaluation by Health Care Professional
Principles of Recovery Seminars
Activity Groups
All Meals and Snacks
Private Room
Request Info
42 Day Program
42 Days
Individual Therapy
Group Therapy
Evaluation by Health Care Professional
Principles of Recovery Seminars
Activity Groups
All Meals and Snacks
Private Room
Request Info


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Or Call Now: (855) 442-1912

If you would like to speak with our director about admissions and pricing please call our toll free number at: (855) 442-1912. We will take the time to speak with you and answer all of your questions about entering treatment at Paradise Creek Recovery Center.

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Apply for treatment financing:


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Prosper Healthcare Lending: Submit a Loan Inquiry.

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Prosper Healthcare Lending is the premier financing company in the healthcare industry.  With over $3 Billion borrowed and over 250,000 people empowered, this is a name and a program you can trust.

Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive with a loan from Prosper Healthcare Lending:


Sex Addiction Treatment

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[av_heading heading='Sex Addiction Treatments at Paradise Creek' tag='h1' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' av_uid='av-vzfbv'][/av_heading]

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The program length at Paradise Creek Recovery Center is 28 or 42 days. Extensions can be arranged based on patient need. The sex addiction treatment process includes:




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[av_heading heading='Sexual Behavior Risk Assessment' tag='h3' link_apply='' link='manually,http://' link_target='' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-35g4f'][/av_heading]

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PCRC is able to conduct a Sexual Behavior Risk Assessment on you if you desire and need one. This evaluation provides helpful clinical information for the following individuals:

The SBRA includes an in-depth diagnostic evaluation of mental health, substance abuse and sexual issues. It also includes a number of objective tests that measure mental health issues, substance use, sexual addiction, and sexual misconduct. The data is collected and put into an in-depth, multi-page report. The report includes a statement of predicted risk for relapse and recommendations for treatment. This is very helpful information that attorneys can use in court cases. It is also helpful for ongoing treatment providers to use and help to ensure an appropriate ongoing continuum of care.

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[av_heading heading='Treatment for Child Pornography and other Online Offenses' tag='h3' link_apply='' link='manually,http://' link_target='' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-1v88f'][/av_heading]

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PCRC offers intensive treatment for individuals who have been involved with child pornography and other online sexual offenses. We know that there is a person behind each offense that gets an individual involved in the legal system. Often, that individual is hurting in his own life and dealing with his own trauma history. At PCRC, we don't just address the specific child pornography or offending issues. We focus on the patients' trauma and events that led up to the choice to cross legal boundaries. We also focus on attachment issues that can help the patient strengthen his connections to others that when done effectively, will help to reduce the chances of acting out in the future.
Much of the work consists of helping the patient in reducing his shame, taking responsibility for his actions and then developing empathy for others, and identifying how his behaviors have impacted others. When this is done, true recovery takes place.


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[av_heading heading='Individual Psychotherapy' tag='h3' link_apply='' link='' link_target='' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-dozv'][/av_heading]

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Each patient will meet with a qualified therapist in multiple intensive individual sessions throughout the week. Focus is spent on assisting the patient in identifying core issues that contribute to their addiction and beginning the process of resolving them. Focus is also spent on addressing underlying mental health, trauma and family issues that are part of the overall clinical picture.  Time is also spent on assisting the patient to understand, internalize and complete work on the 30 Task Model developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes.

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[av_heading heading='Exercise and Fitness' tag='h3' link_apply='' link='' link_target='' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-379mr'][/av_heading]

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[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av_uid='av-5gq47']
A key to overcoming addiction is to increase our physical health.  Paradise Creek incorporates regular exercise and fitness activities into its overall treatment plan. This allows the patient to participate in a complete mind-body healing process.

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[av_heading heading='Task Work' tag='h3' link_apply='' link='' link_target='' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-2kbxr'][/av_heading]

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Dr. Patrick Carnes, the pioneer of sexual addiction treatment, developed the 30 Task Model. This model consists of 30 specific tasks that, if accomplished, greatly strengthens one’s ability to obtain and maintain sobriety. This model is incorporated as part of the overall treatment program and in connection with other successful models of treatment.


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[av_heading tag='h3' padding='10' heading='Evaluation' color='' style='' custom_font='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class='' av_uid='av-swiyv'][/av_heading]

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The evaluation phase of treatment consists of the patient's first seven days at the center. During this phase the patient undergoes a multiphasic evaluation. The results of this evaluation are then used to develop an individualized treatment plan which is then explained to the patient and his family. We want to make sure that the patient and family are fully aware of what the treatment goals are and what is to be expected in treatment.

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[av_heading tag='h3' padding='10' heading='Medical Evaluations' color='' style='' custom_font='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class='' av_uid='av-2qd57'][/av_heading]

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Each patient will have an opportunity to meet with a licensed health care provider as part of the evaluation phase of treatment. A complete medical history will be taken as well as mental health history. Medication management can be provided on a case by case basis.

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[av_heading tag='h3' padding='10' heading='Mental Health Assessment' color='' style='' custom_font='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class='' av_uid='av-p3vr7'][/av_heading]

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A complete mental health assessment will be provided by a mental health professional. During this part of the evaluation co-occurring disorders such as depression, anxiety, OCD, impulse control disorders, etc. will be explored in order that they are addressed as part of the treatment process.


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[av_heading tag='h3' padding='10' heading='Principles of Recovery Seminars' color='' style='' custom_font='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class='' av_uid='av-gmh03'][/av_heading]

[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av_uid='av-fvh5z']
Patients participate in Principles of Recovery seminars  5 times per week during their time at Paradise Creek.  These seminars specifically focus on addiction and recovery issues as well as the brain science behind sexual addiction.

Recovery Treatment

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[av_heading tag='h3' padding='10' heading='Couples and Family Work' color='' style='' custom_font='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class='' av_uid='av-1g28v'][/av_heading]

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Based upon the patient's clinical needs, he may participate in couples or family therapy.  Including family members and significant others is imperative if successful treatment outcomes are to be reached. At Paradise Creek, as part of the overall treatment process, family members will be invited into the therapeutic process either by telephone, or other computerized methods. We also offer a Couples/Family Program during the patient's stay in order to bring family members on-site for a couple of days for individual, couples, family and group therapies

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[av_heading tag='h3' padding='10' heading='On-Site 12-Step Support Groups' color='' style='' custom_font='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class='' av_uid='av-comaf'][/av_heading]

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Residents have a daily 12-step meeting on-site where they can apply 12-step principles to help aid in their recovery.  This gives patients the opportunity to find strength in one another as they support and help each other.


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[av_heading heading='Neuro-feedback and Biofeedback Treatment' tag='h3' link_apply='' link='' link_target='' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-1viyj'][/av_heading]

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Each patient might have an opportunity to participate in biofeedback therapy, based upon the patient's treatment plan.  Neuro-feedback traditionally refers to biofeedback conducted with brain waves.  There are a number of different wave frequencies in the brain.  Slower brain waves are associated with relaxation and imagery.  Faster brain waves are associated with stress, phobias, trauma and ADD/ADHD.  Neuro-feedback assists the patient in gaining significant control over their own brain wave frequencies.  This in turn helps to increase and even eliminate their symptomatic patterns of stress, anxiety, phobias and PTSD.  They are also able to manage ADD/ADHD symptoms.  Neuro-feedback can also be used to treat depression.  There is significant research that shows neuro-feedback is a successful treatment modality for generalized anxiety disorder, anger, panic disorder, PTSD, general muscle tension, phobias, depression, ADD/ADHD and addictions.

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[av_heading heading='Experiential Groups' tag='h3' link_apply='' link='' link_target='' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-1s5qn'][/av_heading]

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Patients will participate in experiential/activity groups that focus on recovery principles.  Each Saturday, patients attend recreational activities that include the ropes courses, camp fires, hikes, art, and other forms of therapeutic expression.  Daily, participants attend an activity group that consists of arts and crafts projects, game nights, movie nights, building projects, service projects and many more.  These groups help build skills such as problem solving, strategy, open-mindedness, compassion, and empathy.

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[av_heading heading='Group Psychotherapy' tag='h3' link_apply='' link='' link_target='' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-rb73'][/av_heading]

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[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av_uid='av-jwbzb']
Each patient will participate in between 3 to 5 groups per week.  Group therapy assists the patient in acquiring necessary support and begins the process of achieving sobriety. Focus is spent on understanding brain science behind sexual addiction and assisting patients in completing task work designed to help facilitate recovery.


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[av_heading heading='Relapse Prevention Training' tag='h3' link_apply='' link='' link_target='' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-66e7'][/av_heading]

[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av_uid='av-3jx3z']
Prior to being discharged, each patient develops a long-term relapse prevention plan to help increase the prognosis of their long-term sobriety. This relapse prevention plan will be discussed with the patient and the family throughout the course of the program so that everyone involved can have input into its development; this ensures the patient will receive full support of those closest to him.

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[av_heading heading='EMDR – Trauma Treatment' tag='h3' link_apply='' link='manually,http://' link_target='' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' margin='' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-10j2b'][/av_heading]

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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a treatment that has been developed to assist patients who are suffering from trauma. The treatment can also be used to help reduce symptoms of other psychological disorders as well. The treatment focuses on stimulating each of the hemispheres of the brain intermittently, similar to what the brain does during REM sleep. By doing this in an awake and conscious state and targeting specific traumatic memories or events, the impact of the trauma can be reduced. The patient does not lose conscious memory of what happened but often time they are able to put it in a different place and effectively move forward without living in the past. Each patient will generally have a series of EMDR sessions during their stay at Paradise Creek.


Sexual Addiction Recovery Center Staff

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Dr. Matthew Hedelius Psy. D., LCSW, CSAT-S


Dr. Matthew Hedelius has been providing treatment for individuals who suffer from trauma and sexual compulsivity for over 20 years and has completed over 40,000 therapy sessions in that time frame.  He has experience in outpatient, residential and inpatient treatment settings. He provides bio and neurofeedback as a means of helping patients resolve their addictions and trauma issues.  In addition, he has been trained in and provides EMDR to help patients resolve their traumatic histories.  He enjoys running half marathons and marathons and loves working with people. He also provides supervision for therapists who are training to be sex addiction therapists.

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Dr. A. Todd Freestone Psy. D., LCSW, CSAT

Clinical Director

Dr. Freestone specializes in the treatment of sexual compulsivity, sex offender and sexual victimization disorders. He also provides treatment for other addictive disorders including substance abuse, gambling, and theft as well as trauma and other mental health issues.He is a certified Mandt Systems Trainer, and has worked in outpatient, residential and behavioral health settings. He has extensive experience in emergency crisis evaluation and treatment settings as well. Dr. Freestone has been working in the field since 1995.


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Jacob Stacy CSW, CSAT-Candidate

Program Manager

Bachelors of Science in the Science of Human Development.


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Dr. Chris Morgan DNP-FNP

Medical Director

Dr. Morgan is our medical director.

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Heather T. Overly

MT-BC, received her BS in Music Therapy at Utah State University in 2001

