Extended Stay

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Paradise Creek Recovery Center recognizes that many individuals need treatment beyond a typical 28 or 45-day treatment program in order to experience the healing they are seeking.

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Research shows time and time again that human connection is a crucial ingredient of psychological healing. It has been said that “addiction is the absence of connection”. Individuals who are neurodiverse, such as those who are on the Autism Spectrum or those who have complicating psychiatric disorders such as Tourette’s, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and significant trauma histories often need extended care to help the establish control of their sexually compulsive behaviors. The Extended Care option is also an excellent choice for individuals who have legal issues as a result of their sexual problems, those who have been involved with child pornographic images as well as those individuals who are exhibiting pedophilic interests.

Paradise Creek offers an Extended Care Program for individuals who need a longer-term treatment option. This program is 90-120 days in length. This option allows

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patients to establish healthy connections with staff members and other clients and ultimately facilitate “right brain to right brain connections’ as a means of establishing healthy long-term relationships. These healthy connections then help clients maintain their sobriety. This Extended Care option also allows the nervous system to slow down so that therapy can get to the deepest level possible and hence provide opportunities for recovery that may not otherwise have been possible in an outpatient, IOP or shorter term residential setting.

During the Extended Care option, a great deal of focus is spent on trauma resolution through EMDR as well as biofeedback and neurofeedback work. This treatment option also allows for more in-depth family work to help facilitate healing within the family system.

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The Extended Care Program is 90 to 120 days in length and is found in a safe and secluded facility that resides on the southern border of Idaho in the Raft River Valley.

We know that there are many wonderful treatment centers located throughout the country. With all that you and your loved ones are already dealing with, we wouldn’t want you spending your time hunting down what makes each one of us different, but would rather have you focus on finding a place that you can feel comfortable connecting to and begin healing. Addiction recovery should never be just about the symptoms, but about establishing healthy attachments to the self, our loved ones and all that surrounds us.

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Give us a call today and allow us the opportunity to be a part of your life and your recovery.

[av_button_big label='Stay for 90-120 days. Contact for Pricing' description_pos='below' link='manually,[email protected]' link_target='' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_font='#ffffff' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' color_hover='theme-color' custom_bg_hover='#444444' admin_preview_bg='' av_uid='av-3275az'][/av_button_big]