Location—Residential Sex Addiction Treatment

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Residential Sex Addiction Treatment, Serving the United States of America and Canada


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Paradise Creek Sexual Addiction Recovery Center Front

Welcome to Paradise Creek

Located south of Malta, Idaho, Paradise Creek Recovery Center is surrounded by Sawtooth National Forest, Castle Rocks State Park, and the City of Rocks National Reserve.

This residential sex addiction treatment center will be your place to leave behind the world and begin to discover HOPE and HEAL.

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Paradise Creek Recovery Center


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Situated in Southern Idaho, north of the Utah border, Paradise Creek Recovery Center is approximately:


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Weather and Clothing

The area can get hot in summer (high 90's) and cold in winter, so please bring the appropriate, comfortable clothing. Summer clothing should still be modest.

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Discover HOPE and HEAL

City of Rocks Home Station Historical Photo

City of Rocks Home Station

"The City of Rocks stage station was a Home Station located at the head of Emigrant Canyon. Stage stations were located 10 to 15 miles apart at sites with water and grass for the horses. 'Home Stations' were situated 50 to 60 miles apart and provided lodging for drivers and a meal for passengers."

Let Paradise Creek be your "home station"—a place for you to recover on your journey to a healthier life.


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